The 2006 ASMC Auto Show at Jack Byrne Ford


The weather wasn't great but held off long enough to get the show in. I took a break from flipping burgers to grab some pics and I managed to get about 3/4's of the cars. I did not know for sure if they would turn out OK, no time to verify, just shot from the hip but they turned out pretty good IMHO!

The images displaying are large thumbnails so the page will load for our dial-up brothers, just click any one you would like to see the full Hi-Res image and it will load into a new window.

At the bottom of the page you will find a link to download a zip file containing all the images, just right click and save as... you can then unpack the zip and point your "My Pictures" screen saver to it for a killer slide show!!

Lots of canidates for Wallpaper or Screen Savers!!


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