My images are high resolution and will make the page
load slow over dialup or DSL, but they are all hosted by
my domain now, which has UNLIMITED bandwidth and good response
so have at it. Smaller versions are displayed, click on the
ones you want to see the full resolution picture and they will
open in a new browser, feel free to click around and view/download
all you would like, that is why I went to the trouble of uploading
them all! check back often for new images which will be identified
with a "new" label.
First are Jim Knight's
Pro pictures of 04SNAKE
PLEASE NOTE! these are copyrighted photographs!
Thanks go to Jim for sharing them with the Pit Nation!
>>Check out Jim's Photos<<
If you raced at LVD last summer, Jim probably
has pictures of your car too! These originals
will fill up your browser, so every torque crunching
wrinkle of the Mickey Thompson Slicks can be enjoyed!
You can scroll below and select by large thumbnails
to enlarge or use the slideshow at the top first:
Here are the pics of the 04SNAKE. Near the top are the most current
snapshots of the modifications and changes I am making to my racecar.
You can follow them all the way back to the very first images of
my cobra when I brought it home from the dealer. I always get a
kick out of how much I really have done to it, sometimes it is
easy to focus on the current projects and next steps required to get ready for
the track and forget everything done so far.